Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Saturday that I have cursed

This is one day in every month I get annoyed for all nothings. If anyone knows what ‘Bread & Jam’ means, then that’s it. I get easily irritated even if it’s Elton John singing ‘Something about the way you look tonight’ as a ringing tone on my cell phone.

It was a bad start this morning. I hate that man in the supermarket, who was lost in some thought when I asked him if they had colorful ice creams. I did explain you know what I mean? Strawberry or mango flavored ones. He must have left the water tap open in his toilet before leaving home. Or maybe he was drunk the whole day yesterday (being Friday-Bachelors Day in Dubai) and was wondering if he called up his childhood sweetheart who stays at Sharjah with her husband & 4 kids instead of his wife back in Kerala. Or maybe he swallowed a half chewed half boiled egg to realize that he forgot to brush his teeth. Whatever, I wish him a happy divorced wife…oops sorry life! Thanks to my tummy pain that didn’t make me want to smoke Marlboro lights instead of having a Popsicle.

Then I came to my office to buy some vegetables…Err…Did I say office? No! Did I say vegetables? Never mind! Both are same. What can be the hottest topic for discussion among the Biharis after the Germany & Argentina match last evening?

“Saala, icy (pronunciation ‘icy’ but means aisi in hindi) futtbol match humne jindagi mein naahi dekha”

There is something about the way you look tonight…takes my breath away…shut up you gay! Don’t ever sing that to me today. Got it!


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